
ATTENTION: The return bookable via link is valid only and exclusively for orders placed on this site! If you have placed an order through the ebay or amazon marketplaces, we invite you to make the request directly on the respective portals.


For RETURN and WITHDRAWAL we refer to two distinct procedures:
For RETURN we mean the procedure that starts when the customer detects some defect in the purchased product and wants to request the repair or replacement of the product.
Withdrawal means the procedure that starts when the customer is not satisfied with the purchased product and intends to return it.

Each product sold by Mectronica srl, unless otherwise indicated for used products, is covered by a conventional manufacturer's guarantee and a legal guarantee, as required by Legislative Decree 2 February 2002 n. 24 (henceforth Legislative Decree 24) and the relative provisions provided for in the matter by Italian legislation. In order to take advantage of the guarantee, the Customer must keep the sales invoice that he will receive together with the delivery of the purchased product. - The conventional guarantee
The manufacturer's conventional warranty is provided in the manner provided for in the documentation inside the product packaging or following the information available on the manufacturer's website. As a rule, this service is offered directly by the manufacturers of the goods sold and, in cases where it is requested, Mectronica srl ​​will collaborate in the management of the service itself. In this case, the timing of the procedure does not depend directly on Mectronica srl, but on the manufacturer. - The legal guarantee
Pursuant to Legislative Decree 24/02, the legal guarantee has a duration of 24 months and is reserved for the final consumer (understood as a "natural person who acts for purposes unrelated to any entrepreneurial or professional activity carried out" art. Paragraph 1 letter. B of Legislative Decree 185). In other words, it does not apply to companies, entrepreneurs and freelancers who use a VAT number in the contract. The legal guarantee is strictly personal: it is addressed only to the original purchaser (intended as a direct customer). It applies to all those products that have conformity defects, i.e. faults and malfunctions pre-existing to the object at the time of purchase. The product must in any case have been used correctly and according to normal diligence,

1. Before sending the material, contact us by email at info@mectronica.it, by telephone at 0516641440 or by fax at 0518909108. In the communication it is necessary to indicate the materials you wish to return and the reasons for the return.
2. Mectronica srl ​​will try to understand the nature of the problem and will try to solve it through the customer. This can happen with the request by Mectronica srl ​​to carry out tests or to apply procedures.
3. If the problem is not resolved, Mectronica srl ​​will send you the RMA (material return authorization) request form for return via email (or if indicated by fax) together with an RMA request code.
4. Complete and sign the RMA request form and pack the product in its original packaging together with all accessories supplied with the product and the RMA form itself. For shipping, the original packaging of the product must be placed in a further packaging (like the same one that was supplied to you) not indicating the product contained. On the external packaging, clearly visible, the RMA request code number must be transcribed under penalty of non-acceptance of the shipment by Mectronica srl.
5.The material must be sent to Mectronica srl ​​- Via Monari Sardè 8 - 40010 Bentivoglio (BO). The packaging must guarantee the integrity of the product during shipment. The customer is always responsible for the shipment. The shipment is charged to the customer, except in the case in which the error is due to Mectronica srl ​​(incorrect shipment or packaging, material not corresponding to the description during the purchase), however, subject to authorization on the RMA request form.
6. Upon receipt of the product, the customer will be informed of the receipt and Mectronica srl ​​will begin to carry out the test and verification procedures within a maximum of 15 working days. Mectronica srl ​​is not liable in any way for damages for any delays in carrying out repairs or replacements. Based on the findings, if the product is still covered by a warranty (conventional or legal) and that this warranty is valid according to the conditions listed in the chapter "WARRANTY INVALIDATION CAUSES", it will replace or repair the product. Mectronica srl ​​is not responsible for the loss of any data present on the object being serviced.
7. The subsequent return of the product to the customer, together with the RMA intervention form indicating the operations carried out, will be entirely supported by Mectronica srl. In any case, if following a technical intervention, the defect found does not turn out to be a lack of conformity pursuant to Legislative Decree 24, or the product does not present any defect as per RMA card, the Customer will be charged for any verification costs. and repairs incurred, as well as transport and shipping costs if incurred by Mectronica srl.

the warranty is not applicable if:
- the goods are tampered with or damaged by the customer;
- the products are not intact or not complete with all the original equipment (any accessories, cables, user manuals, etc.);
- the products, returned to Mectronica srl, damaged due to inadequate packaging.
The guarantee is also not applicable in case of negligence or carelessness in the use and maintenance of the product.
Exceptions to the rules described above are products that can be defined as consumable or usable, such as any recordable magnetic media; Exceptions are also made for products subject to normal wear such as cables or adapters. For these types of products, the report of the malfunction must be sent within 30 days of receipt.

Complete information:
What does it apply to: Pursuant to art. 5 of Legislative Decree 185, the right of withdrawal is applicable to all distance contracts concluded between the final consumer (understood as a "natural person who acts for purposes not related to any professional activity carried out" art. b) and the supplier, (traders, wholesalers, retailers, professionals etc. who intend to resell the purchased products to third parties are therefore excluded), except as indicated in the following paragraph.
The right of withdrawal is subject to the following conditions:
- it can be carried out on the product purchased in its entirety, only a part of it, an accessory, etc. cannot be subject to withdrawal;
- the purchased product must be intact, in its original packaging and complete with all the original equipment (any accessories, cables, user manuals, etc.), products sealed and opened by the consumer will not be accepted;
- audiovisual products or sealed computer software, opened by the consumer (Article 3 c letter D of Legislative Decree 185 are not subject to the right of withdrawal;
- the shipment, until receipt of the product in our offices, is under the direct responsibility of the Customer;
Mectronica srl ​​is not responsible for any damage caused to the product during transport, in this case, within 3 days of receipt of the same, the Customer will be notified, in order to allow any refund complaint to the courier used. In this case, the request for withdrawal will be canceled and the product will be available to the customer for any return.

1. Before sending the material, contact us by email at info@mectronica.it, by telephone at 0516641440 or by fax at 0518909108. In the communication it is necessary to indicate the materials you wish to withdraw.
2. Mectronica srl ​​will send you the RMA (material return authorization) request form for withdrawal via email (or if indicated by fax).
3. Complete and sign the RMA request form and send it to Mectronica srl ​​- Via Monari Sardè 8 - 40010 Bentivoglio (BO). The RMA form can be sent, always within the same deadline and with the same requested information, also by e-mail to info@mectronica.it, provided that the same is confirmed by registered letter with return receipt within the following 48 hours.
4. Wait for the validation of the withdrawal by Mectronica srl ​​by email (or by fax if requested). After authorization, the product can be shipped.
5. Pack the product in its original packaging together with all accessories supplied. The relevant RMA form (copy of the one previously sent by registered mail) must also be present in the package containing the product for which withdrawal is requested. For shipping, the original packaging of the product must be placed in a further packaging (like the same one that was supplied to you) not indicating the product contained. The packaging must guarantee the integrity of the product during shipment.
6. For shipping the material must be sent to Mectronica srl ​​- Via Monari Sardè 8 - 40010 Bentivoglio (BO). Mectronica srl ​​reserves the right to refuse any products shipped in breach of the rules described above or if the product is received damaged. The costs of returning the product are the responsibility of the buyer. It is advisable to ship with express couriers in order to have the traceability of the shipment.
7. Mectronica srl ​​undertakes to return the sums paid as quickly as possible, and in any case within 30 days of receiving the communication with which the consumer informs us of wanting to withdraw. Mectronica srl ​​will not proceed with any refund of the products, subject to the right of withdrawal, if it does not receive the relative delivery.
The amount will be returned as resulting from the invoice / receipt, without any penalty for the consumer. The reimbursement is foreseen only for the purchased products and not for the shipping costs incurred by Mectronica srl.
Mectronica srl ​​reserves the right not to accept products:
- shipped without having respected the sending methods indicated above;
- without original packaging and any original accessories or manuals;
- which are not in a condition to be resold as new;
- that show writings or other types of damage on the package.